Monday, June 11, 2007

Sharack is so BAD!

My husband can attest to the fact that if our "kids" were human they would be emotionally scarred. We often insult our cats from telling Jewel that she is not the sharpest tool in the shed to telling Shadrack that "you're always bad, you're never good." (Ok, I say that the most.)

My hubby usually insults Jewel (or as he calls her the "bat faced mule") and I tell Shadrack he is so bad.

As I mentioned before, Shadrack likes getting into icky things. He is also quite smart and resourceful. Jason often says "We trained our cats not to get on the table....when we're around." So this morning, I am in bed listening to the noises of the house. Note: Teachers don't have to get up before 10 during the summer. The shower was running, the A/C was humming and then I heard a plastic bag. Now Jewel likes to paw at a plastic bag on the litter box and Shadrack likes to lick kroger bags. (don't ask---he is icky!) The sound I heard was neither.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my glasses. I came into the kitchen and CAUGHT Shadrack in the act! He had managed to get to the top of the 5 ft shelf and get a baggie with a stale crescent roll. We keep them there so Shadrack COULDN'T find them. (I guess I will be finding a new place.) He was sitting on the floor chewing a hole through the bag and had started to nibble on the roll. The funny thing is that he just looked at me. Usually if he knows he has been caught, he RUNS under the bed. I did my normal thing...grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him.

Jewel was a spectator and witness. (If she could speak English, she would have told me in detail what he did.)

As I write this, Shadrack is chasing a lightening bug that got into the house. He is chasing it around a plastic bag. He has it into a corner. Once again, Jewel is a spectator. He is too cute to put it into words. I'll predict the ending...................Shadrack catches it, plays with it, and eats it.

UPDATE: While I was spell checking (as I have to do) Shadrack caught it. He also played with it. By playing, I mean letting it try to fly away and pouncing on it about 5 times. Jewel has watched it the entire time, including a quick cat nap. He has disabled it so it cannot fly and it tried to hide and "die in peace" but Shadrack caught it again.

Jewel is now involved. By involved I mean she moved to get a better seat and the lightening bug came within an inch of her fur and she jumped 2 feet.

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