Friday, July 18, 2008

Pictures from Florida

I know I have been bad about blogging. Partially b/c I use facebook all the time. But I will continue to post pictures here as well, especially for Granny K. (I love you, Sugar!)

This is Jason and Lauren posing with an ATV.

Much to my dismay, we rented jet skis for a half hour. Needless to say, I was freaked out most of the time. (Especially when I saw Jason's flip!) Lauren was nice enough to go "wussy" speed for me the whole time.

This is a captured sea turtle. Basically, they have a nuclear power plant down there and they suck in water from the ocean to make it run. However, sometimes turtles and other marine life get sucked in too! So they capture the turtles take them back to the ocean. This one weighed over 200lbs!!!

This is another captured sea turtle returning to sea. However, this is a juvenile. Since he was so small and cute, I decided to name him 'George'. (You can't tell the sex of a turtle until it reaches adulthood, but I decided to guess!) Anyway, it appeared that this was not a very bright turtle. Since they tag and microchip them when they are captured, they could tell that he had been there before. Oops! I have a feeling that he will be least they have a real name for him!!

A series of unfortunate events occurred in Florida. While we were there, Jason's grandfather (the rocket scientist) went into the hospital with a racing heart. The good news is that it was just the MSG's in the pizza he ate and nothing serious. A byproduct of this was that Jason's uncle Mark, came down from South Carolina to help out. I had never met him, except at our wedding, so it was fun to get to know him. He is a funny guy and very sarcastic!!