Friday, June 22, 2007

Forest Fires are Freaky

I know I said I wouldn't blog, but we are waiting to catch the bus to the train. Anyway, a few nights ago there were thunderstorms in the area. Several fires broke out and some continue to break out. There is one close enough that it looks really weird. Though the sun is not down, it looks dark. The sky is orange and it smells like a giant campfire. (My clothes smell like a campfire.) Its looks like it will storm any minute, but the clouds are smoke, not storm clouds. They say there is one 3 miles from here. We are leaving in about 30 minutes, so maybe I will catch a glimpse. Its funny, the first day we were here the mountain was out and people made such a big deal of it. Well, I understand. I have not seen the full mountain range since we got here on Wednesday. Hopefully it will rain and it will go away. See you Monday or Tuesday.

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